EGVRA is an independent body run by local volunteers from Englefield Green giving village residents a voice in our community over a wide range of topics, such as major planning applications, noise, traffic, parking and the provision of local amenities.
We liaise closely with Runnymede Borough Council and Surrey County Council on a whole manner of issues and represent Englefield Green residents on the Community Liaison committee at RHUL. Regular meetings are also held with local action groups, councillors, Surrey Police, local schools, churches and community centres so that residents' views can be heard.
We host public meetings and communicate key events by email, through this website and our newsletter, and it is our privilege to operate the annual Village Fair through one of our hard-working sub committees. The proceeds from the fair and other activities are all used to support local causes and village projects.
The Committee is bound by a constitution which states that our aims are:
- To promote the interests of the residents of Englefield Green with particular emphasis on the
protection and enhancement of amenities and the promotion of social activities.
- To ensure that residents are adequately informed of relevant matters.
- To serve the whole community being dedicated to obtaining value for money and improvement
of local facilities and services, the quality of life and the environment of Englefield Green.
EGVRA Constitution
EGVRA Committee
Privacy Policy
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct